Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Why we use Antivirus?

Why we use Antivirus?

Many users think that we can get viruses by downloading files,visiting wrong websites and clicking irresponsible things.It's true-this is how we pick viruses, but it is not the only way we pick up viruses,but it is not the only way viruses spread out.Our computer sometime may be infected just from visiting a website or by putting some other external devices e.g.U.S.B,Harddisk etc.
In the leading world of globalisation people trust on computers and internet to send,receive and manage their valuable informations.The term protection is prior word which comes to their mind when using interne, as the informations sent over network has many risks from the devil malwares who are responsible for hampering the information on internet.So it is important for the user to protect their computers from risk.

One of the best solution  to this problem is antivirus.An antivirus programs protects your computer from the viruses by identifying and removing it.Now these days antivivirus more often comes with firewall packages that blocks the unwanted things and ptotects your computer.Antivirus automatically scans your files downloaded from the web,email attachments and all types of removable cables  inserted in the computer.It also removes  malicious .malwares like viruses.Thus making you to feel free to send all your informations.
To prevent our system from the unwanted malware or viruses,we need a software that is know as antivirus.It is used to prevent,detect and remove malicious computer viruses from your computer.Software described viruses from computer.Software described as antivirus also works against different types of malware e.g rootkit,trojan horses,worms and spywares etc.

Updating the antivirus programs regularly is important because it will download an new virus definitation that have been added since last update