Saturday, March 3, 2012

Magento : Get Current Currency Symbol

 Magento : Get Current Currency Symbol

Code is useful for get currency symbol


or if you want to pass a certain currency code simply specify it:


Understanding Magento XML Structure

 Understanding Magento XML Structure

Friday, March 2, 2012

Social media buttons images

 Social media buttons images

magento : sql create new admin

magento :  sql create new admin
/* This is an example SQL script.
You should replace all the UPPERCASED variables.
The <USERNAME> variable can only be alphanumeric characters, 
and probably underscores (haven't tested)
You can either generate a password hash using the PHP code below,
or you can grab a password hash from the admin_user table from an
existing Magento install for which you know the admin password.
/* Use the following PHP script to generate a salted password hash. 
You can also use a straight md5 hash, but it's much more easily brute-forced
<?php $password = 'PASSWORD'; $salt = 'GF'; echo $hash = md5($salt.$password).
':'.$salt; ?>
insert into admin_user
(select max(user_id) + 1 from admin_user) user_id,
'FIRST NAME' first_name,
'LAST NAME' last_name,
'EMAIL' email,
'USERNAME' username,
'HASH EXAMPLE: 178f29c8e4c6c801db90cd171e3b2b53:in' password,  
/* You can replace this value with an md5 hash */
now() created,
NULL modified,
NULL logdate,
0 lognum,
0 reload_acl_flag,
1 is_active,
(select max(extra) from admin_user where extra is not null) extra;
insert into admin_role
(select max(role_id) + 1 from admin_role) role_id,
(select role_id from admin_role where role_name = 'Administrators') parent_id,
2 tree_level,
0 sort_order,
'U' role_type,
(select user_id from admin_user where username = 'USERNAME') user_id,
'USERNAME' role_name

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Magento : colour swatches

Magento : colour swatches,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=e01d7cdb16f4b8e&biw=1024&bih=625

Magento : RSS (Category, New Products etc)

Magento : RSS (Category, New Products etc)